Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee
Allahyarham Abdul Rahim Bin Narat
The late great icon in the entertainment world, Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee, succumbed to a heart attack on the morning of 29th May 1973. His demise 40 years ago today, shocked and saddened the whole nation. I was in my second year at the Universiti Sains Malaysia then. Almost eight months later, on the afternoon of 25th January 1974, my beloved father, Allahyarham Abdul Rahim Bin Narat also succumbed to a fatal third heart attack. He had survived two earlier attacks. When he passed on, it was only ten days before my final exams! Syukur Alhamdulillah, I was blessed with the strength and the peace of mind to sit through the exams, and succeeded to obtain my Honours Degree in June 1974.
It has been said that my father had an uncanny resemblance to the great star. Allahyarham P Ramlee was a great star indeed, loved by Malaysians to this very day. But my late father will forever and always be a star in my heart, and the hearts of his surviving children too. Al-Fatihah for Aruah Bah and for Allahyarham P Ramlee. May both their souls be blessed by Allah SWT always.....Ameen.....