feeling bushed.....'psychologically ill'?
We're into the last week of October 2012. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, begitu cepat sekali masa berlalu! It's only two months to the much 'prophesied Armageddon', which has been earmarked for Friday, 21.12.12! Will it really materialize? Only Allah SWT knows and He's certainly not telling.....
Anyway, on to some domestic goings-on. This week saw some repair works being done in this old "KK", namely the leaking roof (RM400/800), done on Monday, 22.10.12 and the leaking sink (RM95/185), done on Tuesday, 23.10.12. Apart from that, the mundane life in this household goes on and on and on.....
As for yours truly, I'm still being bugged by my 'chronic ill-health syndrome'. I'm at my wits end as to how I should handle this 'sickening discomfort'. It seems to be a daily occurrence now - the 'endless yawning' plus the 'dizzy sensation', at times. Guess I'll just have to tolerate it cos my doc doesn't seem to be too overly concerned with my 'affliction'. I can bet he must be thinking that I'm only 'psychologically sick'. Oh, I don't know.....What I can say is that whatever it is that I'm feeling, it is definitely genuine..... nothing less, mind you! Anyhow, my figures for this month are 140/90 (7.7), an exact repeat of last month's readings. Yeah, obtained another month's supply of Zynor tablets from my doc(RM 54.00 inclusive of the BS test fee). Here's hoping that I'll have better days ahead, health-wise especially.
This post revolves around the 'apple of my eye', Bijou Boy. In late September 2012, he started to be bugged with 'ill-health'.....mainly persistent headaches. On 27.09.2012, we brought him to see Dr Hooi, who detected a slight cough. He prescribed the relevant medication plus some tablets for the headache. Bijou's headache seemed to be persisting still and on Wednesday, 10.10.2012, we made a repeat visit to Dr Hooi. This time the doc made a 'nasty' diagnosis, whereby he suspected that Bijou may be 'psychologically ill' or in other words, he's 'faking things'. He felt that Bijou might be facing 'school-related problems'. He advised that we do some probing to get to the root of the matter. He also suggested that Bijou should have his eyesight checked. Anyhow, Dr Hooi prescribed some more medication for the headaches. At the Eye Clinic though, no abnormalities were detected with Bijou's eyesight. Nevertheless, he was asked to reduce significantly the time spent playing with his computer games and watching TV.
On Thursday, 11.10.2012, the 'explosion' occurred. Just as Dr Hooi had suggested, Bijou's condition is due to 'school-related stress'. His admission that he's scared to go to his sekolah agama came after a rather strong mishandling of things by his mother. His tears and cries led to his vomiting at his school that afternoon and things worsened. His headaches persisted and his appetite and his digestive system seemed to be affected too.
On Saturday night, 13.10.2012, we brought Bijou to Klinik Yap because he was running a fever. The Locum Doctor, an Indian lady, strangely echoed Dr Hooi's 'nasty diagnosis' since she also couldn't detect anything wrong medically with Bijou. She suggested that a blood test be done asap just to be sure and to be on the safe side. Had the blood test done on Monday, 15.10.2012 and Dr Yap explained the results to us on Tuesday, 16.10.2012. Syukur Alhamdulillah, there is absolutely nothing medically wrong with Bijou Boy. His malady is stress and fear-induced.....something that is too much to bear for a 10 year old kid. Dr Yap advised that we don't impose too much pressure on him lest it will make things worse. These past couple of days, normalcy has returned with regards to Bijou's appetite and disposition. Once again, Syukur Alhamdulillah.....Ameen Ameen Ya Rabbal Alamin.....