I turned three score and five years old on Monday, 04.08.2014. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Despite everything, I'm still blessed with the gift of life. Like I've ventilated before, my health condition hasn't been good, since my brush with CA in 2009 and more so since I turned 64 last year, when I was plagued with the dreaded E-Coli Sepsis and more recently, with DM.....I now have to depend on various prescribed medications in order to still live a sort of 'comfortable life', so to speak. I reckon these are the 'gifts ' that Allah SWT has bestowed upon puny me, and who am I to question His decision?
These days I'm facing life, one day at a time, always armed with a positive attitude, albeit I do succumb to utter helplessness and despair, and to be at wit's end, at times. But then, I've never said that it's going to be easy, right? Like the perennial old saying goes, "Whenever there's Life, there's still Hope!" So, don't ever give up, my dear Hasnah!