Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Saturday, 6 December 2014

.....Of Being Extremely Lonely.....

The Rahim Family was blessed with eight roses and a thorn, as shown below.....

Hasnah @ Rahimah

Late Roseana


Late Razak





Late Rodziah

However, as things stand now, I strongly feel that I have no siblings AT ALL! This is certainly a SAD state of affairs. Save for Rohaya, my other surviving siblings seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. Like I've said before, the nincompoop responsible for this heartbreaking fiasco is none other than the celebrated Seregar. May he rot in Hell. I'm pretty sure that our beloved late parents are turning in their graves, upon seeing the turmoil that has befallen their progeny. One thing's for sure, and that is, I've become the loneliest eldest sister in the world, because my younger surviving siblings have opted to stay away from me, for whatever reason or reasons that I fail to fathom. Only Allah SWT knows and He's not telling.

Friday, 14 November 2014

.....Significant events in November - A pictorial account.....

01.11.44 (BIRTHDAY)

03.11.75 (D.O.D)

BECAME A VICTIM OF E-COLI SEPSIS (14.11.13 - 21.11.13)

21.11.1951 (BIRTHDAY)
21.09.2010 (D.O.D)

Friday, 10 October 2014

.....My Lifelines.....

The following tablets have become very much a part of me now. Most times, it is with tears in my eyes that I consume them.....sob! sob! sob!

 I've been consuming these medications since November 2013







Thursday, 9 October 2014

.....My legs are a-okay now.....

One very significant life threatening event occurred when I was struck down by the dreaded E-Coli Sepsis, on 14.11.2013. I really fought hard for my dear life during the eight days I was warded in HSA, JB (14.11.2013 - 21.11.2013). Apparently, several medical procedures were done on me, namely the lumbar puncture, intubation and the MRI, and I had to be warded in the ICU for three days. Syukur Alhamdulillah, I survived the ordeal but not without having to deal with several ensuing health issues, like hypertension, DM, gastritis and digestive problems, forgetfulness, and not forgetting, my extremely weakening legs. At the moment, I'm still taking medications for the first three health problems together with tablets to strengthen my bones and knees, in particular. During the first few months after my discharge, I couldn't walk properly and had to resort to using walking aids, and wearing thigh guards, knee guards and also calf guards. Those were really hard days indeed! Slowly, but surely, and after the passage of almost eleven months, my legs have become stronger, and since early October 2014, I discovered that I no longer need to wear my three "celebrated guards" to help me walk about comfortably. I'm truly overwhelmed with elation and gratitude, needless to say. Syukur Alhamdulillah! Ameen, Ya Rabbal Al Ameen.....   

 The walker (loaned to me by the BCSGJB) and my walking stick

My thigh guards

 My knee guards

My calf guards

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

.....Significant October Dates - A Pictorial Account.....

Birthday - 9th October
My ex brother-in-law, Alfred Shoveller

Birthday - 10th October
My Princess, Dilah Jaafar

Birthday - 11th October
My cousin, Mohd Shahain

Birthday - 12th October 
(Expired - 24.06.79)
My youngest sibling, Late Rodziah

Expired - 16th October
(Birthday - 25.04.1956)
My one and only brother, Late Abdul Razak

Birthday - 19th October
My sixth sibling, Rashidah

Birthday - 20th October
My niece, Shazeaa Mohd Yusni

Friday, 26 September 2014

.....The Health Issues I'm Battling With (A Pictorial Account).....

The Big M was done here on Friday, 26.06.2009.

Did the follow-up treatment here, since 04.08.2009. The follow-up reviews are still on-going.

Got treated for E-Coli Sepsis here (14.11.2013-21.11.2013). Was also diagnosed with DM during this time.

Am still going for follow-up treatment for DM here.

Some of my medications.

This is absolutely true!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

.....Turning Three Score And Five Years.....

I turned three score and five years old on Monday, 04.08.2014. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Despite everything, I'm still blessed with the gift of life. Like I've ventilated before, my health condition hasn't been good, since my brush with CA in 2009 and more so since I turned 64 last year, when I was plagued with the dreaded E-Coli Sepsis and more recently, with DM.....I now have to depend on various prescribed medications in order to still live a sort of 'comfortable life', so to speak. I reckon these are the 'gifts ' that Allah SWT has bestowed upon puny me, and who am I to question His decision? 

These days I'm facing life, one day at a time, always armed with a positive attitude, albeit I do succumb to utter helplessness and despair, and to be at wit's end, at times. But then, I've never said that it's going to be easy, right? Like the perennial old saying goes, "Whenever there's Life, there's still Hope!" So, don't ever give up, my dear Hasnah!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

.....When I turned 64.....

After I turned 64 on 04.08.2013, I noticed that my health condition had begun to go downhill. Apart from my primary health concern, which had been with me since 26.06.2009, I started having problems with my digestive system. Due to the consumption of some highly tainted raw food in mid November 2013, I was plagued with the E-Coli Sepsis Syndrome. I landed myself in the ICU at HSA, JB for three days, and became a patient at the Pusat Perubatan 1 Wing for a week (14.11.13 - 21.11.13). Those were indeed the darkest days of my life and to add the icing upon the cake, I was also diagnosed with another hereditary chronic ailment, that is, the celebrated DM. How 'low' can anyone go?

During these past seven months, I've been fighting my battles 'alone'. No one can really understand and feel everything that I've been, and still am going through. Chronic fatigue has become my middle name and I really have to watch whatever I put in my mouth, these days. The worst thing that I have to endure is having a pair of considerably 'weak legs'. I have to constantly massage them with the appropriate medication so as to attain some measure of relief. Sigh!  

Today marks the seventh 'anniversary' of my admission into the ICU in HSA, JB. Reckon I won't be forgetting so easily the 14th day of every month, these days.

As always, despite everything, I truly feel blessed for the simple mercies and blessings in my life. Thank you Allah SWT. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Ameen.....