It's the 4th of August 2012 today. It's certainly a very special day for me. I turn a year older today, three years after I crossed the 'Diamond Birthday Threshold'. Syukur Alhamdulillah. This date also marks the third anniversary of my maiden CT treatment session. The first blood sample was taken on this date three years ago. Again, Syukur Alhamdulillah, that I've been given a 'new lease of life' by Allah SWT.
Upon reflection, my life has been a balance of the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY. I enjoyed a happy and carefree childhood, I enjoyed my days in school and varsity and I enjoyed most parts of my working life. Family relationship and relationship with friends and relatives were GOOD and worth remembering and treasuring.
Towards the end of the 1970s, following the demise of my beloved parents, 'things' began to turn BAD. Relationships seemed to stink and family ties began to disintegrate. The so-called 'nest' that I had built has turned out to be an empty and meaningless one. As the new millennium dawned, things started to become UGLY. Siblings (what remained of the original nine) started disowning each other. So much so that today, I can't help but feel 'sibling-less' at most times.I've also lost most of my friends and relatives due to a couple of sickening reasons. I just seem to float around where relationships are concerned...neither here nor there. It's atrociously sad, honestly!
Despite everything, I can't deny the fact that I feel blessed. Perhaps, I've been given all the bad and ugly stuff, to serve as tests from Allah SWT. My endurance, patience, strength and resilience are being tested to the fullest and I'm proud to say that I'm still 'standing' to this day, despite all the odds.
My fervent hope and prayer at all times is that I'll be blessed with 'continued good health', and that 'things' will straighten themselves out sooner or later and happiness and joy in the true sense of the word can be called mine, unconditionally. InsyaAllah. Only Allah SWT knows what actually is good for me. I reckon the fact that He only tests those He actually loves holds true for 'puny' me.
HambaMu bersyukur diatas segala anugerah dan kurniaanMu selama ini.
Ameen, Ameen, Ya Rabbal Al-Ameen.....
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